Vivienne Ng


Vivienne is Chief Psychologist at the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) and Director of the Office of the Chief Psychologist (OCP). A clinical psychologist by training, she oversees psychological services within MSF and the Social Service sector, in areas such as disability; parenting, marriage and divorce; vulnerable families and early childhood, gambling etc. OCP is also involved in research, programme implementation and evaluation, and the development and validation of assessment frameworks. Before 2013, she headed the Clinical and Forensic Psychology services within the Rehabilitation and Protection Group (RPG) at MSF, which provides trauma treatment and offender rehabilitation.
A Colombo Plan scholar awarded through the Public Service Commission, Vivienne worked for 9 years at the Institute of Mental Health & Woodbridge Hospital before joining MSF in 2000. During this period, she received a year’s specialist training in the United States in trauma psychology, in the areas of disaster management and treatment of sexual abuse and post-traumatic stress disorder. A member of National CARE Management System and Head CARE/MSF, she is activated and deployed during civil emergencies/disasters affecting Singaporeans. Her interests are in trauma, disaster management, post-traumatic stress disorder, sexual abuse, fostering, parenting and co-parenting, anxiety and mood disorders.

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