We provide guardianship services

for your child studying  Overseas. 

We are parents too, and as guardians, we want your children to have every opportunity to be safe and successful as you send them here to study.

iPGA is an international professional guardianship agency that provides guardianship services to your school-going children between the ages of 10 to 18 years old, who have been sent to Singapore to study.

Why you should choose iPGA.

As parents around the world can attest, sending a child overseas for education is no small decision to take. This overseas experience for the child can last between two to more years of being away from home. Yet for many varied reasons, purposes and circumstance, parents are having to make this important and difficult choice – sometimes, more than once in each family!


We earnestly advocate mental and emotional development of each child in our care.


We believe in cultivating individual character with distinct mental and moral qualities.


We care for and protect the children and youth in our charge.


We are obliged to care for each child and youth entrusted to our charge.

Continue to be there for your child through us.

You want the best for your child and so you have sent your child overseas to get an education but the tradeoff is that you won’t be there to guide your child or help your child overcome the problems he might face. We share your concerns and fully understand that it is not just about getting a good education, therefore, each our guardians are personally involved in the child’s life and are always available 24/7 to help them through the challenges of living, studying and growing up in a foreign country.

Our 3 step plan for your peace of mind


Schedule a Consultation

We’ll get to know your goals and provide you with customized plan for your child to achieve those goals

We Get To Work

We get to work, acting as your child’s legal guardians, helping them manage and cope with life and studies while away from home, away from family according to your plan..

You Get Regular Reports

As we progress and spend time with your child, we will keep you updated about your child’s progress via regular reports so that you are kept updated.

Our Services

Basic Guardianship Scheme

  • Liaising with the child’s school and boarding arrangements
  • School Holiday arrangements
  • On-boarding arrival and departure arrangement
  • Withdrawal matters
  • Academic progress
  • CCA matters
  • Disciplinary matters
  • Attending parents/teacher meetings

Life Mentorship Scheme

Our guardians fulfill all the responsibilities of the BGS and undertake to build a mentor relationship that aims to:
  • Build good character and values
  • Develop your child’s potential, giftings and strengths
  • Collaborate with experienced, professional partners to achieve your child’s best potential

We've helped thousands of students integrate, excel and grow in their time of studying in Singapore.

Our guardians have over 20 years of helping students with managing their emotions, time, relationships and even finances and everything in between.
We have developed a program to help a young person grow up to be adults with good character, positive values and contributing to the community in the future.

A Letter From Our Founders

Dear Parent,

Like most of you, I’m also a parent of my children who wants the best for them for now and when they grow up. We all want them them to grow up to achieve great things for humanity with positive characters. It’s inevitable in that process, they need an adult figure to walk with  and guide them through.

This IPGA venture is started with that purpose  in mind! That for the many thousands of foreign students studying in Singapore, how can we serve them to provide proper adult guidance while their parents are not with them. This is especially true at this critical period of their lives just before they become adults.

Please join me and my team in this journey of nurturing and mentoring the next generation of resilient, respectful and responsible adults for leadership in the communities and societies.


David Ang

A Caring Guardian A Personal Mentor

We combine the wisdom and care of a supportive guardian with the accountability and guidance of a 1:1 mentor to support not only the education of your child, but also the growth of your child.